Why Are Blogs So Popular? Here's Why From The Beginning...

When trying to research when the blog began, you may come up a little short. While it is widely known the blog is one of the most popular forms of posting on the web, there is really not a lot of history to it. Some will argue that the first blogger came to us across the television screen. The hit show Doogie Howser, M.D. always included a few shots of the teenage doctor typing in his computer diary, which many see as the world's first blog. While it is not exactly clear whether Dr. Howser was posting his thoughts on his hard drive or the web, it is unlikely the character even knew what the word "blogger" meant. According to the history books, the word "weblog" was copy written by Jorn Barger in 1997. A list of others followed him in creating their own versions of the original weblog. Although there is not much information on the beginning of the blog, there is a lot of information leading to the fact that the blog phenomenon is growing rapidly and is not likely to downsize anytime soon. Everyone is blogging these days. With sites offering free blog space, why wouldn't they? Everyone wants a chance and a forum to express their thoughts, and a blog allows them to do just that. Expression is one of the most precious traits and it should be practiced often. With that being said, you are probably wondering what a blog is, if you don't already know. A blog, which is actually short for a weblog, is a lot like an online journal. It is a personal website (or posting space) that is updated frequently. With each posting, the blog is essentially updated. Blogs can include anything the blogger wants it to include. You can write about personal experiences, political views, gossip, books, television, or music. There are really no limits on what you can write about on your own blog. Today's blogs are allowing bloggers to post photos or little profiles telling their readers more about themselves. Many blogs are so popular that readers will visit them each day in order to see what is new in the blogger's life. These readers may or may not personally know the blogger, which makes the phenomenon that much more interesting and unexplainable. The most notable thing about a blog is that it is the first online journal type that offers a place for reader comments. These comments can be helpful to the blog and draw interest to it, or they can be useless. Some advertisers are using blogs today to get their website link or product information out to more people. This can be annoying to bloggers, but the fact is that the advertisers are using other people's blogs to advertise for free. Although it is annoying, you have to admit, it is a pretty smart idea on the advertising side of things. It is assumed that blogs are so popular for two main reasons. The first reason is simply because everyone wants to be heard. By posting your opinions, views, or experiences on the web, you are essentially being heard by anyone who reads your post. With more and more people reading blogs, you can count on more and more people reading yours as well. Expressing your opinions allows you to be free from any stress they may cause when you keep them inside. A blog is a socially safe way to express your views without having to worry too much about a reaction from someone else. The other main reason the blog is so popular is because due to amazing blogging software, it is so simple to do. When personal websites came onto the scene, everyone wanted one. The problem was that the good ones were very difficult to construct unless you had programming experience. Many people hired professionals to create their personal spaces. Blogs on the other hand, are very easy to create. Software allows you to post your thoughts in a typing box and the system automatically updates itself when you are done. It could not be any easier. Because of these two reasons, people absolutely love blogs. They love to post on their own blog and they love to read other blogs. The phenomenon is one that is so well loved it will likely continue to grow and grow.

Get Your Website Listed With Search Engine Submission Services

"Search engine submission" refers to the work of getting your web site listed with search engines. Earlier in the history of the web the submission process could be automated. Nowadays, however, most search engines have implemented steps to prevent this. Today this activity is generally done by experts in Search engine submission services. Getting listed on search engines does not mean that the sites will necessarily rank well for particular terms. However, it simply means that the search engine knows your pages exist. When it comes to owning a website, traffic is the most important concern. More traffic means more customers. Search engine submission and website promotion is a vital aspect of gaining traffic to your site. There are millions of websites on the Internet and it can be difficult to compete with them for a ranking in search engine. Search engine submission services strive to provide customers with a high search engine ranking though it is not always possible in high competition markets. Remember, Search engine submission services do not guarantee high placement. There are two basic reasons to submit a web site or web page to a search engine. The first reason would be to add an entirely new web site because the site operators don't want to wait for a search engine to discover them. The second reason is to have a web page or web site updated in the respective search engine. There are two basic methods still in use today by Search engine submission services to submit your site to a search engine. They can either submit just one web page at a time. Or, they can submit the entire site at one time with a site map. However, many times, most search engines are able to crawl a site with just the home page, provided that it is well designed. Web sites desire to be listed in popular search engines because that is how most sites are often seen by visitors who eventually convert into customers. Sites that appear on the first page of a search are said to be in the top 10. Nevertheless, many Search engine submission services still exist that offer to automatically place any web site with several hundred search engines for a fee. These business services are generally considered to be scam operations because they do not work. There are little more than a dozen or two search engines to begin with. And, there are really only 3 major search engines. It should take only about 15 minutes to submit a site to all three of these search engines. Therefore you should be extremely careful while enlisting Search engine submission services.

Finding Good Keywords for Your Site

A keyword can be defined as a word or phrase that can be utilized in searching for a website. Keywords can be placed in titles, a body of text, online catalogs, abstracts, indexes, notes and subject headings. Using the right keywords is very important, and keyword optimization, if done correctly, will aid in driving traffic to your site. In order to know which keywords will be most effective for your site, there are a few things that need to be done: • Examine your websites' first page; make sure that it contains a central theme. • Find the words or phrases that best describe the content on the websites' first page. • Make a list of the aforementioned words and/or phrases. • Do not use highly popular keywords that are being used by a thousand other websites. • Figure out the popularity of the words you have chosen by utilizing a keyword directory or one of the many keyword suggestion tools. • You can now narrow your list down to just a few optimal words. Use the above process for every one of your pages, and you will be able to more effectively optimize the power of your keywords. Remember that when you are determining what keywords will work best for your site, that there are different types of keywords. Knowing about each type will aid in the optimization of your keywords. When determining what words to use as your keywords, you should first determine what the focus of your website is, what value the websites' information has to offer, as well as who your target audience is. Knowing these particulars in advance will help you to choose keywords that will be optimal for your website. Types of Keywords Generally, keywords can be grouped into three different categories. These categories are as follows: • Theme Keywords- these types of keywords are used to target a highly specific audience of people. They are normally used on every single page of the site, and are quite effective at boosting page rank. • Single-word Keywords-these types of keywords are normally used between 5 and 7 times on a page, and are used to target a wide, general audience • Multiple-word Keywords- these types of keywords, sometimes referred to as "keyword phrases", are used to target a specific audience, usually in a specific location. These types of keywords are also good at improving page rank. Tools to Use There are many tools available that will allow you to examine just which keywords are overused, which ones are not, and which keywords will best benefit you and your website. Since there are so many tools available, you will need to figure out the one that you are more comfortable using. Some keyword tools are free, while for others there is a charge. Some of the tools that can help you find good keywords for your site are: • Keyword Search Tools • Keyword Research Tools • Keyword Lists • Keyword Software • Keyword Databases All of these tools can be located on the World Wide Web, and will help you in researching certain keywords and phrases and that you may wish to use for your website. Although finding good, effective keywords can prove to be a bit time consuming, it is better to invest a little more time in order to achieve the best results. Rushing through the process of choosing keywords and incorporating them into the content of your site will just be wasted time, as it will not get traffic to your site, nor will it improve your page rankings with the search engines. With so many tools and processes available for you to use in your quest to find the right keywords, with a bit of time and patience you should be able to get your site optimized with the right keywords that will prove to be highly effective. Remember that good keywords and keyword phrases are vital to the life of your website. Make the task of finding good keywords a top priority when it comes to your website. You may be pleasantly surprised when your websites' traffic increases and your page rank goes up with the search engines; all because of a few, well-placed keywords!

Why You Should Blog!

I have been blogging for just over two months now. Many of my mentoring students have been asking my advice on blogging. I have so far hesitated to teach much about blogging, because it's not something I feel I "know" yet. I feel much more comfortable teaching about things I know. Well… I took a look at Alexa today and noticed that this blog almost hit the top 10,000 most visited sites on the Internet today. I have been seeing success with many of the methods that are unique to blog promotion. I felt it was time to write a post about blog promotion… BUT… WAIT! I haven't even explained why I have this blog thing. I can't really jump into getting traffic to your blog without explaining why I have a blog and why you should have one too; now can I? Let's go back to my history. I "made it" online without many of the tools you see me offering today. I had no products. I had no copywriting ability. My search engine ranking data was my key to my original success on the Internet. I would simply create high ranking web-sites for some market and sell the traffic from those sites directly to those who did have copywriiting ability and products. Obviously I no longer recommend that. Having your own product and copywriting ability are both multipliers to knowing how to get traffic. Now-a-days I focus on all three aspects of your Internet business and recommend that you do the same. With that said… don't underestimate the traffic business. Consider this. Who is the richest man in the world? Right. Bill Gates. He sells software. Software is a good business! Consider this though. Who are the 3 leading sites on the Internet? Go check Alexa if you don't know. OK; don't check. I'll just tell you: 1. Yahoo 2. Google 3. MSN (Microsoft) Now take a look at that third one. That's the company that Bill Gates (the richest man in the world; remember?) started. Now he's messing around on the Internet in the #3 spot. Now; let's take a jump here. What do those three sites sell? Ok; take a minute on this one. There will be a test. That's right. They sell traffic (or they mostly sell traffic… Yahoo and MSN are a tiny bit more diverse than that). Now isn't that interesting… The richest man in the world… who go that way by selling software… now wants to sell traffic. OK; that was a diversion. We'll come back to that later. What I wanted to tell you about was my experience selling traffic (which is still the largest part of my business). I made a mistake. I sold traffic anonymously under corporate names. None of my traffic customers know who I am. They just buy traffic from XYZ Corporation because it converts to sales for them. XYZ Corporation has no personality. In fact, it's fully automated and most of my customers seem to like it that way. I tried to change that a couple of years ago. I started sending them emails teaching how they could get the most out of my traffic service. I was too late. They didn't know me and they didn't want to hear from me. Then I tried one last attempt (I'm glad I did) by offering them a special on traffic that month. I think I did a two for one deal or something like that. Over 25% of my customers bought a new campaign that day. I made over $60,000 in one day with that one email. I thought that was cool! I still do. I can write a single email and make thousands of dollars in a single day. I think a lot of marketers like that. The power of your customer list is incredible! If you can convert 2% of strangers into customers with a sales page, you can convert 25% of your existing customers into customers of another product with that same sales page. That's powerful! I tried it with another product. It was a good product. It was mine. It was the search engine research itself that lead to the traffic those customers were buying. In effect, I was offering to teach them how to generate the same traffic that I was selling to them. It flopped miserably. No-one bought. I tried several other products. Nothing. Why? Some of the responses told me right away. Even though I was writing under the company name, they didn't know me. I'll repeat that. They didn't know me. They knew my company. They knew that my company delivered great converting traffic, but they simply didn't know me. An endorsement of one company by another isn't very powerful. It isn't nearly as powerful as an endorsement by an individual. So, I went on to do the Freedom Events. You know how they went. Based on the endorsement of a few well-known Internet marketers, they sold out. Lesson learned. To get that 25% number, you need one of the following: 1. To be marketing to your customers as a company and selling a special offer on the product of your company that your customers already know about. 2. To be marketing to your customers as a person and selling a special offer on any product that you personally endorse… and have never given a bad endorsement on a product to your customers before. I wanted to do the latter with my own customers… not those of another Internet marketer. What is the best way to do that? As I look around, a blog is the absolute perfect vehicle for that. As I sell products (and cross-promote them on the owner's pages), I also promote this blog. I do it very early in the process. It is mentioned on the owner's page and is also mentioned in the very first email most people get after purchasing one of my products. They buy the product from a stranger, but I introduce myself as the creator of that product very early by pointing them (you) at this blog. Then, I don't hide the blog behind some corporate image. You do buy my products from a corporation, but do you even know the name of that corporation? Who cares what it is called? I want you to get to know me. That's the purpose of this blog. Now some folks are finding this blog before they purchase one of my products. That's OK too. Some people buy a product based on the sales page. Some buy because they know the author never produces junk. Some have a combination of those reasons. OK; so… yes… you should have a blog. I suggest that you create your blog between your 3rd and 4th product in your primary market. That's when I created this blog. That is also when you want to start cross-promoting your 3 or 4 products on their owner's pages. Here are some other things that I think are important: 1. Register your name for the domain for your blog. 2. Put your name at the top, not some cutesy blog name. 3. Share of yourself. Do not post to your blog like you are a customer service rep answering the phone for a large company… never revealing anything of yourself… only the corporate script. Chat with your customers like they are dear friends. Don't give out your home address or phone number, but within the context of the blog… what are you afraid of? Let your blog readers get to know you. 4. Post often. People can get into the habit of doing something daily or hourly very easily. It is much more difficult to get into a weekly or monthly habit. Post at least daily so your blog readers can get into a daily habit of reading what you have to say. 5. Don't worry about giving away secrets of your products. That's one reason I only sell software, video and mentoring products right now. It's simply not possible to accidently give away too much in text on your blog. Software and video are both more robust mediums than text. I can explain in words all day long how to do something… it will still be useful to buy the software to automate that task and/or buy the video to actually see how it all works. 6. Get a subcribe link up on your blog (and all of your content sites). Some people will want to follow your blog, but won't remember. You need to give them a way to allow you to send them reminders when you post. This will dramatically increase your number of repeat visitors over time. OK; I think that answers the question about why I have a blog and why you should too… and how you should set it up. Now, I can jump into the specific ways to get traffic to a blog that only exist for blogs… not other types of sites. I'll do that in a future post. For now, go register your name and get Wordpress installed on that domain. Get your subscribe link up. Write an article and submit it to your blog… and then submit it via Artemis Pro with your blog mentioned in the resource box of your article. That's how I started just a little over two months ago and as of today… I'm almost in the top 10,000 most visited sites on the Internet. See if you can beat me in the next couple of months.


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